Claims that Israel is colonialist and imperialist are unabridged nonsense. A dictionary and a map are all that is needed to prove it. Too bad that both seem to be in short supply.

The Palestinians’ Dishonest Use of Maps
Nachum Kaplan
June 28, 2024

The Palestinian propaganda machine has successfully gotten people to forget this by publishing maps showing only Israel and the disputed territories, which make Israel look huge and the Palestinian areas look small and shrinking. However, if one pulls back a bit, it becomes clear that Israel is a tiny country surrounded by an Arab Muslim empire, now broken into nation-states at least in part due to the collapse of Europe’s empires. Far from expanding, as an empire does, Israel has been shrinking in its pursuit of sovereignty and peace, even from before conception…The fetal Jewish state lost about 78 percent of its legally promised territory before it was even born. READ MORE

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