“I used to hate Jews. Hopefully my story can help people acknowledge profusely misguided errors of the antisemitic way”

Confessions of a Former Antisemite
Amir Pars
May 4, 2024

…One thing was consistent, regardless of where I went: We all hated Jews. In the cultures we grew up in — even when there was very little else in common (Shia versus Sunni, Arab versus Persian, Religious versus Atheist, Theocrat versus Monarchist, et cetera) — Jew-hatred is omnipresent. We were born with it, we grew up with it, we were indoctrinated in it. It is in our bone marrow. In my late teens I, like so many other teenagers, was infatuated with Marxism, which only served to fuel my antisemitism. I suddenly belonged to two tribes hating the most persecuted people in history, and where my fellow “svartskallar” only expressed a visceral, sadistic hatred of Jews, my comrades took a more diplomatic approach. READ MORE

TABLET MAG Do You Actually Hate Jews?: A simple test to check ‘criticism of Israel’ for antisemitism But it’s people like my fellow soldier on X who trouble me more. When you know that Israel is the freest, most liberal state in the region; when you know that war is hell and civilians die in all wars; when you know that the IDF engages in state-of-the-art mitigation measures to protect innocent civilians; when you know all of these things and still engage in the blood libelish lies of “Israel is committing genocide,” No. 2 is the only logical conclusion. The only stain is the one on that person’s soul—a black stain of Jew hatred that goes back millennia.

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