From CAMERA: The press has willingly come to Hamas, slavishly serving the terrorists’ purposes.

Dear media, Hamas couldn’t do it without you: Too many in the press want to shield terrorist group
Sean Durns
November 23, 2023

…Hamas tightly controls access to manipulate the media. Only certain journalists are allowed into Gaza to report, and they are often set up with Hamas-approved “fixers” who introduce them to approved sources for approved stories. Those who fail to comply know what they can expect. The tactic of intimidation, also employed by al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), among others, is ever-present. In 2014, a France24 reporter dared to note that Hamas was firing rockets from a kindergarten. Hamas operatives later showed up at his hotel room and imprisoned him in the basement of Shifa Hospital, one of their primary headquarters. READ MORE

ALGEMEINER New York Times Kids Section Insists Hamas Wants a Two-State Solution, Blames Israel for ‘Crime’ of Starving Gaza It’s terrible enough when the New York Times inflicts biased, factually inaccurate coverage of Israel on its adult readers, who are presumably able to see the nonsense for what it is. It’s a whole new — and worse — level of depravity for the Times to inflict that bias and inaccuracy on children, poisoning impressionable young minds with falsehoods…Most astonishingly of all, the Times whitewashes Hamas’ war aims. Rather than telling the truth, which is that Hamas wants to kill all Jews, the Times tells the child readers, “For many years, Hamas called for Israel to be destroyed, but in 2017 it said it would accept a smaller, independent Palestinian country alongside it.”

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