“J Street’s Jeremy Ben-Ami said the reevaluation was prompted by Bowman’s recent statements about Israel, including accusations of genocide”

J Street withdraws endorsement of Jamaal Bowman for ‘crossing the line’ on Israel-Hamas war
Jacob Kornbluh
January 26, 2024

J Street, the self-described pro-Israel, pro-peace lobby, has rescinded its endorsement of New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman for “singling out” Israel for blame in the war in Gaza and accusing it of genocide. The group removed his name on Friday from a list of 122 members of Congress it endorsed in the 2024 election cycle. Bowman, 47, first elected in 2018, is facing a tough primary battle against George Latimer, Westchester County’s popular executive, who is backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. READ MORE

NEW YORK POST Jewish GOP, independent voters urged to register as Democrats to sway primary for ‘Squad’ member Bowman’s seat A new group is pushing independent voters and Jewish Republicans to switch registration to the Democratic Party in an effort to tip the scales in a hotly contested party primary in one New York congressional district. Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a member of the liberal House “Squad” that also includes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been under fire for being critical of Israel while his opponent George Latimer has campaigned as a staunch supporter of the Jewish state.

JEWISH INSIDER George Latimer announces huge fundraising haul in campaign against Rep. Bowman Despite the warning, Latimer is expected to draw significant support from leading pro-Israel groups such as AIPAC, whose political action committee officially backed his campaign last week — in its first endorsement of a non-incumbent this election cycle.

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