A paper circulating in Israeli government offices calls for the total defeat of Hamas, initial Israeli control of the territory and an overhaul of the Palestinian education system — along with a path for Gazan self-rule

The day-after plan for Gaza on Israeli leaders’ desks
Lahav Harkov
June 26, 2024

With continuing pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to present a postwar plan for Gaza, a document has been circulating around the upper echelon of Israel’s government and security establishment. “From a murderous ideology to a moderate society: transforming and rebuilding Gaza after Hamas” is a 28-page paper, obtained by Jewish Insider, outlining four academics’ recommended dos and don’ts for ensuring Hamas and Gaza are no longer a threat to Israel…According to the document, “Israel’s ability to achieve its goals depends not only on the military and diplomatic campaign taking place these days, but also on its ability to rehabilitate and transform a nation that was led by a murderous ideology, to produce stable institutions and an Arabic culture that does not educate for jihad, a culture that accepts the existence of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.” READ MORE

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