Join me and my friends in DC at The March for Israel on Tuesday November 14. Am Yisrael Chai.

US Jewish orgs attempt to organize largest support rally for Israel in decades
Zvika Klein
November 7, 2023

A broad coalition of American communities will gather for the “March for Israel” rally on November 14 at the National Mall in Washington. The event, which will take place under tight security, is expected to be a display of unanimous support for Israel, as well as flagging the surge in antisemitic events in the US since the Hamas massacre on October 7 The organizers haven’t said so directly, but are attempting for this to be the largest display of unity and support for Israel in decades. They are hoping for hundreds of thousands of Israel supporters…The slogan for this historic event is “Americans March for Israel, March to Free Hostages, March Against Antisemitism.” READ MORE

Click here to register Visit March for Israel for updates. For more info, contact Elissa Kagan at 312-346-6700 or

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